
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Mastering Windows - The Registry

Windows settings are encoded in various system files. These being a system files are not directly editable but can be edited via a Windows utility called Registry Editor.

Open the Run box (Start Menu > Run)
Type 'regedit'
Hit will see a window that looks like this

: The left pane of the Registry Editor contains "keys" which is basically registry terminology for folders. The right pane has different kinds of "variables" which are assigned some "data". The data in the registry is of 3 types
  1. String
  2. Binary
  3. DWORD (Hexadecimal)
The Registry : The significance of this data is that it is a record of all the settings that are incorporated in your operating system. For example, if you change the Desktop wallpaper in "Display properties" you will find that data in the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\ConvertedWallpaper" variable has changed to the url of your new wallpaper.

Any change that you make to the system is thus reflected in the registry and even more importantly, vice versa! So you can even change settings for which Windows provides no option in the Control Panel!

The registry has 5 main sections as is obvious:
Of which the first three are most important - they contain most of the modifiable settings. Before making changes to the registry make sure you backup your system, just in case you do something stupid. Here are a few things you can try out...
  1. Uninstalling Software : Everytime you install a software, a key is created in it's name in the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software" sectionof the registry. However every uninstaller is not kind enough to do the reverse. Especially stuff like adware which constantly afflicts Windows users has a nagging habit of cluttering the registry. So if a program makes its presence felt even after you've removed it go to the registry and delete its key from "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software" as well as "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE" sections.

  2. Startup programs : Ever wondered how so many useless programs run at your system starup slowing down staring times to frustrating levels? Most of which you don't really need. Here's the trick - go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\
    CurrentVersion\Run" and "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\
    CurrentVersion\Run" and delete all the variables you don't need to run at startup! But remember don't remove system variables like "MSkernel32" or "ctfmon".

  3. Disable Autorun : The Windows Autorun function is one of the most irritating around. Even if you really just want to browse the CD, Autorun starts up its initiation program. To disable it go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\
    Services\CDRom" and change to value of 'Autorun', or create a new DWORD value if it doesn't already exist, and set the data to equal '0' (zero).
These tips are just the tip of the iceberg, you can metamorphose your Windows just by knowing right registry key! To get an elaborate list of all the tricks you can do with the registry download the Registry Guide.


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